“I feel drained when I’m around a lot of people.”

I hear that a lot from the clients I work with.
Maybe you’re one of those who avoids large crowds,
noisy malls, and even busy stores.

You’re not alone.

It's time to learn the power of creating YOUR own Energetic Boundaries


We don’t realize just how much other people’s energies affect us on a daily basis. We assume the emotions we feel are our own, and most of us rarely question their origins. The reality is that we are continuously affected by the energy of those around us, often in ways we can’t even imagine. 

When your energy field is weak and porous, everything and everyone affects you.
You feel constantly bombarded by other people’s “stuff”. It’s not about shielding or protecting yourself. It’s about having clear personal energetic boundaries.  We need to learn how to strengthen our personal energy field.


The solution is not to hide from the world...

The solution is to become empowered by learning
to maintain your energetic field
so you can live in the world,
given any situation.

This is what the Crystal Egg will help you do.

Here's your free access to the
Crystal Egg Meditation

Meet James.

James Kawainui is a Native Hawaiian Healer and an expert in clearing chronic pain, and trauma. Through his Hawaiian ancestral connection James is a trusted guide who is able to read and clear blockages from trauma, illness, or passed down through generational connection. Those working with James experience freedom, renewed hope and a deeper connection with body and soul, beyond what they imagine is possible. As a child, James overcame a rare and life-threatening form of polio with the love and healing touch of his grandmother. His compassion and understanding come from a deeply personal level and he has devoted his life to the service of helping people live positive, productive, pain free lives.

Find James at  https://www.jameskawainui.com/

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